Laboratory of Geotectonics and Regional geology
Kulagina Elena Ivanovna |
Founded in 1994 under the leadership of the Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of the Russian academy of Science, Dr of Sciences Professor Puchkov Viktor Nikolaevich. The area of his research – nectonics and paleogeodynamics, stratigraphy and lithology of the Precambrian of the Volgo−Uralian Region and specifically, the stratotype of the Riphean in the Urals; biostratigraphy, lithofacial and formational analysisof the Paleozoic deposits of the Southern Urals and adjacent territories, Carboniferous biostratigraphy. An important direction of the studies is revealing of the structural−tectonic factors of oil and gas productivity. Directions of work of the laboratory: The research of the Labboratory has 3 directions, different in metodics of research and stratigraphic scope Precambrian group (led by V.N. Puchkov) Area of scientific research group — geotectonics (tectonics of the Urals, plume tectonics), regional geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and stratigraphy of the Upper Precambrian deposits and magmatic complexes of the Southern Urals and the Eastern part of the East European platform. Paleozoic group (led by E.I. Kulagina) Area of scientific research of the group — biostratigraphy, sedimentation, tectonic structures of the Paleozoic of the Southern Urals and adjacent regions, micropaleontology. Tectonic group (led by T.T. Kazantseva) Area of scientific research group – tectonics and regional geology of the Southern Urals, petrology, evolution in geology, petroleum geology. |