The Institute of Geology was organized by the decree of the Soviet of Ministries of USSR, dated by 12 May, 1951. Initially it was given a name of a Mining-Geological Institute in the structure of the Bashkirian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences; the latter was organized simultaneously.
The first Director of the Institute since 1951 till 1954 was Dr. Georgiy V. Vakhrushev, who was also a President of Bashkirian Branch of the Academy. In the following years the Directors of the Institute were: Dr. Albert Olli (since 1954 till 1965), Cand. of Sci. Spartak G. Fattakhutdinov (1965−1967), Dr. Belal M. Jusupov (since 1968 till 1975), Dr. Murat F. Kamaletdinov (since 1975 till 1991), Dr., Сorresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sci., Victor N. Puchkov (since 1991 till 2016). In 2017 V.Puchkov resigned because of the age census and was appointed the Scientific Leader of the Institute.
The acting Director is now Dr. Sergey G. Kovalev.
The Scientific Secretary of the Institute is now Larissa A.Sharafutdinova.