Главная / Units / Laboratory of Geotectonics and Regional geology / Tectonic group

Tectonic group

Tectonic group (led by T.T. Kazantseva)
Area of scientific research group – tectonics and regional geology of the Southern Urals, petrology, evolution in geology, petroleum geology.


Kazantseva Tamara Timofeevna

Joined the Institute: 1975.

Current professional position: Chief Research Scientist

 Education: Krivoy Rog Mining Institute, 1954-1959.

PhD, 1970 in geology.

Doctor of Sciences from 1985. Dissertation entitled: «Charriage — thrust tectonics and peculiarities of geosyclinal development of the Urals»

Fields of specialization: tectonics, regional geology of the Southern Urals, geodynamics.

Main scientific interests: tectonics, petrology, evolution in geology, petroleum geology.

Kazantseva T.T. formulated the principles of geoevolution, revealed the tectonic regimes of development of folded regions, the frequency of emplacement of allochthons, and recognized the allochthonous ophiolites in the Urals. Founder of a new branch of science – geodynamics and the principles of evolution in geology. Co-author of the charriage theory. Author or co-author of 450 publications.

Ismagilov Rustem Airatovich

Joined the Institute: 2000.

Current professional position: Senior Researcher

Education: Bashkirian State University, 2000-2005, Faculty of Geography.

PhD, 2008 in geology, dissertation entitled: «Geological structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Zilair synclinorium of the Southern Urals»

Fields of specialization: regional geology of the Southern Urals, petroleum geology.

Main scientific interests: geology and exploration of oil and gas fields, development of new methods of oil exploration.

He is the author and co-author of more about 60 publications, participant of some RFBR projects.


Major publications of group:

Kazantseva T.T. Kazantseva Yu.V. 2016. Fundamentalnye problemy geologii Juzhnogo Urala. Institut geologii UNC RAN. Ufa: Gilem. 309 p. (in Russian).

Kazantseva T.T. 2016. Features of the Structure and Origin of Oil and Gas Generating Shale Strata in the Permian Deposits of the Urals Georesources, (in Russian) V. 18. № 2.  P. 127-132.

Kazanceva T.T. 2016. Sharjazhno-nadvigovaja teorija formirovanija zemnojj kory. Fundamentalnye osnovy i prichiny ikh iskazhenija // Geologija. Izvestia Otdelenija nauk o Zemle i prirodnykh resursov AN RB. No 22, P. 69-80 (in Russian).

Kazanceva T.T. 2015. Basic theories on the evolution of the Earth»s crust. Vestnik Akademii nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan. V. 20. № 3 (79). С. 14-27 (in Russian).

Kazantseva T.T. 2015. On structural geology and petroleum potential of the western slope of the South Urals. Izvestia Ufimskogo nauchnogo tcentra. No.3. Pp. 70-81 (in Russian).

Kazantseva T.T. 2014. On the origin and preservation of the phenomenon of mount Yangantau Vestnik Akademii nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan. V. 19. № 3 (79). С. 16-28 (in Russian).

Kazantseva T.T. 2012. Strike-slip faults of the western Pre-Uralian area and its conjunction zone with the East European platform. Doklady Earth Sciences 442 (1).

Kazantseva T.T., Kazantsev Yu.V. 2010. Strukturnyjj faktor v teoreticheskojj geologii. Ufa. 326 p. (in Russian)

Puchkov V.N., Kazantseva T.T. 2009. The Large Buried Anticline in the Kizil Zone of the Southern Urals. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2009. Т. 429. № 2. С. 1430-1434.

Kazantsev Yu. V., Kazantseva T.T., Kamaletdinov M.A. 1997. Geological transect through southern Ural Geodynamic domains in the Alpine-Himalayan Tethys, P. 413-421.

Kazantseva T.T.  1987. Allokhtonnye struktury i formirovaniye zemnoi kory Urala. Moscow. Nauka. 156 p.

Kazantseva T.T., Kamaletdinov M.A. 1986. The geosynclinal development of the Urals. Tectonophysics. Т. 127. № 3-4, P. 371-381.

Farkhutdinov A.M, Goblet P., Fouquet de C., Ismagilov R.A, Farkhutdinov I.M, Cherkasov S. 2015. The Use of Computer Modeling for Geothermal Waters Resource: Khankala Deposit Example // International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1062-1068.

Ismagilov R.A., Farkhutdinov I.M., Farkhutdinov A.M., Khayrulina L.A. 2015. Tectonics and prospects of the oil-gas area of the zone of conjugation of the Yuryuzano-Silven depression and the Ufim Amphytheater. Georesources. T. 2. No. 62. P. 43-48.

Ismagilov R.A., Farkhutdinov I.M., Farkhutdinov A.M. 2014. Under the mountains zones of advanced breaks — perspective objects for searching for oil and gas. // Geology. Izvestia of the Department of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. No. 20. P. 36-45.

Ismagilov R.A. 2014. Prospective oil and gas zone under the allochthons of the Southern Urals. Georesources № 3 (58). P. 17-21.

Ismagilov R.A. 2012. Geology and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Zilair synclinorium of the Southern Urals. Ufa: Gilem, P. 184.

Kamaletdinov M.A., Ismagilov R.A. 2012. Prospective ways of development of oil and gas geology in Bashkortostan // Georesources. Kazan. No. 8 (50). Pp. 10-12.